Discover 20 Healthy Make-Ahead Meal Recipes Guaranteed to Help You Stay on Track & Keep You Satisfied
Here’s what you’re getting in this fast & easy meal prep guide…
-20 delicious make-ahead meals for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks
-Helpful tips to combat “snack attacks” when life gets busy
-Creative serving suggestions to add variety so you can use these recipes over and over again
And a seriously easy way to start a meal prepping habit that keeps your goals in focus!
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About Me! Who Am I?
Hi I’m Kate, a chronic fatigue recoverer, registered Nutritional Therapist and creator of the Fatigue-Fighting Formula.
I used to feel so tired, with brain fog, and so dizzy and weak and bloated. I was tired all the time and I literally had no energy for anything outside of my job.
After working with a Naturopathic Nutritionist for a few months, I felt energised and could exercise more, spend quality time with family and get things done.
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